6 Things Your Youth Sports Organization Needs to do to Make More Money in 2024
By Melissa Wickes
December 15, 2023
3 min
As 2023 comes to a close, you’re probably setting yourself up for a strong 2024 by doing things like getting ready for tax season, polling parents on what worked and didn’t work the year before, and considering what new technology you need to be successful.
A big area youth sports organizers are investing in for 2024 is data and analytics because it helps organizers better understand what’s working in their organization and what’s not. If you aren’t taking advantage of technology that helps you analyze your organization’s data, you could be falling behind in 2024.
READ ALSO: How to Make Smarter Decisions for Your Youth Sports Organization with Data & Analytics
The good news is, it’s easier than ever before to do because analytics capabilities are being built into youth sports management platforms like LeagueApps—and as of December, LeagueApps Analytics has introduced six new reports that provide even more data and insights than ever before.
These six new reports will give you a competitive advantage by giving you deeper financial and player insights, so you can keep what’s working and nix what’s not.
Here’s a bit about the six new LeagueApps Analytics reports that are setting youth sports organizations up for a competitive advantage in 2024:
Analyze Program and Registration Counts
It’s important to know how your programs are performing to decide if they’re worth investing more or less time and money in in 2024. The new Program Summary Report allows you to analyze all of the programs run across your entire organization, as well as on the site-level. You can filter back to any date since you started with LeagueApps, as well as see programs with any status.
Track Discount Codes
The Discount Code Redemptions Report offers a detailed breakdown of discount codes redeemed across your organization so you can see which are most used. If you offer discount codes for referrals, social media, event attendance, etc. this report will help you determine where your customers are coming from so you can invest more time and money in those places.
See the Full Picture of Your Invoices
As we approach tax season, you’re going to want to know about the Invoice Items Report, which allows you to view all of your invoices and a detailed breakdown of item information across your organization. This report is especially useful for breaking down financial information for tax purposes.
View all Invoice Payment Plan Installments
Rounding out the year means tracking down every last dollar, and doing so manually would be a nightmare. When you use the Invoice Payment Plan Installment Report, you’ll receive a comprehensive summary of invoice payment plan installments in your organization—including which invoice installments are past due and which users are past due on their payment—so you can make sure you collect the money you’re owed.
See all Bank Transfers in One Place
You’re managing a lot of money coming in and out of your organization, and it can be overwhelming to say the least. Luckily, the Bank Transfers Report shows you a detailed breakdown of all LeagueApps Gateway bank transfers and their transactions so you know where every dollar you made is going. LeagueApps Gateway is powered by Stripe, the industry-leading provider of secure reliable payment infrastructure.
View all Programs You Invited Players to
A big part of tracking your revenue is keeping track of players and which programs they’re gravitating towards. By using the Player Invites Report, you can see all player invites that have occurred for your organization as well as see the programs with the most player invites, and which are pending versus accepted.
Using Analytics to Gain a Competitive Advantage
LeagueApps Analytics offers a number of other reports beyond these six—like KPIs, org-level enterprise metrics, program summary, org-level registrations, and more—making LeagueApps the most advanced data and analytics platform for youth sports.
If you’re not yet familiar with LeagueApps but interested in growing your organization’s analytics capabilities, speak with a member of our team.
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