5 Ways to Customize your Privacy Settings

By LeagueApps
May 1, 2012
4 min
Like most software platforms, LeagueApps takes privacy very seriously. We strive to accomodate our league partners’ privacy needs and want to make sure their members feel comfortable and secure on LeagueApps. Below are a few key measures you can take to keep things in the “clubhouse” and ensure your privacy settings are configured exactly how you want.
1) Change Member Profile Fields Settings
LeagueApps allows you to easily customize the membership form your members fill out when they create an account on your site. We shared some ideas on how you can use form fields to collect key information from your players. As admin, you can change the privacy setting of each member field you add to your membership form.
Simply go to your Member Profile Fields in your LeagueApps admin console (“Settings > Member Profile Fields”). Here you have the option to change any field from ‘public’, to ‘protected’ or ‘private’. Here’s a breakdown of what each of these settings mean:
- Public – Field information is viewable on their account profile
- Protected – Field information is only viewable to other logged in members
- Private – Field information is only viewable to the league admin
This flexibility allows you to tweak each form field on a case-by-case basis. For instance, you may want to keep certain information you collect public, such as Hobbies, or Favorite Sport. On the other hand, certain fields like Address or Income Level might be best kept private. Some of our league partners that push the social element in their leagues like to keep their players’ contact information protected (e.g. Phone Number), encouraging fellow club members to connect off the playing field.
2) Turn “Show Attendee List” OFF
You have the ability to hide the list of players that register for a program, A.K.A. the “Attendee List”. The attendee list is visible for each program by default. Keeping this setting ON does has its upside – your captains can browse the free agent pool and invite players to their teams with one quick glance. Read about the benefits of Member Matching here.
Some of our league partners prefer not to disclose their attendee list for various reasons. If you prefer to hide your list, you can do so by following these easy steps:
- Click on a program in the “Manage” tab, then go to “Settings > Preferences”.
- Un-check the box that says ‘Show Attendee List’.
- Click ‘Save Preferences’.
- Be sure to update this setting for each of your programs
3) Create ‘Private’ Programs
LeagueApps lets you designate any program as a private program, making it completely hidden from the public. This can be useful if you are planning to hold a small event intended for invited members only. For example, you can use our Events functionality to sell ticket packages for local sporting events. Or you can setup a league, tournament, or camp exclusively for certain players (e.g. hold your very own 3-point shootout).
In any case, setting a private program ensures that only the players of your choosing sign up, saving you the hassle of having to implement a screening process. Plus, it helps you to avoid the sticky situation of turning players away who aren’t on your ‘guest list’.
Here’s how you can create a private program:
- Click on a program, then select the “Details” tab.
- Change the Visibility field setting from ‘public’ to ‘private’. Optionally, you can change the Program State to ‘Unpublished’.
- Select the “Home” tab and copy the program URL (this is found under ‘Main Details’ on the right side of the page).
- Send the program link to any player you wish.
4) Assign Admin Users
As the main admin of your site, you can grant console access to multiple admin users. This comes handy if you have partners or employees that help manage day-to-day operations. You can assign a specific role to each admin based on their actual role in your organization. This flexibility is key for privacy – you want to make sure your admins have the appropriate levels of access. For example, you probably won’t want a part-time employee who reports game scores to be able to edit your homepage design. On the other hand, you do want your managing partner to have access to all your financial information. Learn how to manage admin users here.
5) Hide your Schedules
You have the option to add privacy to your program’s schedule and standings. You can set each program schedule and/or standings to ONLY be visible to the specific players of that program, or only to logged-in members of the site.
This setting can be enabled on the preferences page for each program (click here for more instructions).
We hope you use these tips to set privacy settings that best fit your organization. Drop us a line if you have any questions or want to share feedback about privacy on LeagueApps.
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