3 Reasons Your Youth Sports Website Must Be Mobile-Optimized

By Melissa Wickes
February 22, 2023
3 min
“Do I really need a mobile website for my sports program?”
You’ve probably asked yourself that recently. Maybe even today. You might even be waiting for the right moment in the future to redesign your website so it’s mobile-optimized.
The fact is that smartphones are the preferred method of internet access. If you haven’t upgraded your website to be mobile-optimized or friendly, you should plan to do that this year.
Here are three quick reasons your youth sports program’s website absolutely must be mobile-optimized.
Nearly 60% Of Total Internet Usage Is On Mobile
Earlier this year, Statista reported that mobile and tablet devices account for 54.8% of total users worldwide. For the youth sports industry, the number is right at 60%, according to our own data.
Though many people do still use their desktop computers for internet searches, it has dropped nearly 25% in just four years.
Considering the trends in the world, U.S., and industry, it’s safe to say that online traffic will continue to move to mobile applications and the desktop will long be forgotten, when it comes to the internet, social media, and shopping.
Youth Sports Customers Want It and Expect It
Think about your average customer. It could be the parent who spends 40 hours a week at work, longer than an hour commuting, and then an extra 10-20 a week taking their child to practices and games. Or it could be the young professional that recently signed up for a social league to make more friends while having fun.
Note: if your average participant or parent in your sports program is a Millennial, you’re going to want to read this.
What’s the one thing these types of customers have in common? They’re on the go and they use their mobile devices no matter where they are—standing in line at the grocery store, watching their kids at games or practices, while walking the dog, and during their own exercise. They want something that is easily and visually consumable in as little time as possible. And they expect it.
This means that you really need to optimize the mobile user’s experience. Create a simple journey for the user to follow from the second they enter your program’s website on their smartphone. Make registration for your customers front and center so they can sign up for fall tryouts and go back cheering from the stands during that June tournament.
Speaking of making it easy to register…
Increase Registration and Drive More Revenue
Believe it or not, when you make your website mobile-friendly or optimized, you’ll actually increase revenue for your program.
Our own data shows a trend toward transactions that are now completed on a mobile device—to the tune of 75%.
That means registration is being done via a mobile device, and so are purchases of equipment, uniforms, apparel, and insurance.
Now, compare that to the overall mobile traffic in the youth sports industry, which is at 60%. This means that of the 60% of people in the youths sports industry who use their phones to visit a website, 75% of them are overwhelmingly doing so to register or make transactions.
It’s more than that, though. If users on your website are having any type of trouble on their mobile device, they have no problem finding a competitor’s site. Google says 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead (McKinsey & Company).
A Mobile-Optimized Website Checklist
Now that you have this information, what do you do next? Pick up your phone right now and go to your program’s website.
Ask yourself a few questions:
- Did it load in less than three seconds?
- Is it easy to navigate?
- Do you recognize your brand?
- Does it provide a good user experience?
- If this was not your website, would you spend time on it?
If you answered mostly ‘no,’ then it’s time to think about a mobile-optimized or friendly website.
Speak with the experts on building youth sports websites at LeagueApps Design Shop to start your mobile journey today.
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