New Updates to T-Shirt Reporting, Admin Roles, and more!

By LeagueApps
March 5, 2015
2 min
The LeagueApps team is happy to announce our latest release. The new updates include improved system security, updates to our new Team Properties (T-Shirt) Report, the ability to set Free Agent limits by Gender, and content page versioning.
Program Manager/Coordinator Security Roles
The program manager and program coordinator security roles have been modified and are now more strict. When creating admin user accounts, the options for program manager and program coordinator have been consolidated into one option called program admin. Permission to each program must be assigned and when that is assigned you are able to decide to give the user manager or coordinator access.
Now when a program admin logs into the console, they will not be able to view the entire site wide dashboard, and will be routed to their program listings page. On the that page they will only see programs that they are specifically granted permissions to. All financial data and past programs are hidden from these roles. Click here for more on how to manage your admin roles.
Program Properties (T-Shirt) Report
Earlier this year we released a new report that allow you to count custom profile fields by team. Many organizations are using this feature to create a T-Shirt Report with a few simple mouse clicks. This report has been upgraded to also include Free Agents (players that are not on a team.) This allows you to tally shirt sizes for programs that do no have teams on them too. More on how to utilize the Team Properties Report here.
Page Versioning
We’ve upgraded our content management tools to help you keep track of changes made to your custom content pages. LeagueApps now saves and remembers the last three versions of your content pages. In case you accidentally delete something or make a change that you would like to undo, you now have the ability to restore from an older version.
Coming Soon: A New HTML Editor
Keep an eye out for a new release announcing our new HTML editor shortly. We’re hard at work on it and will have some exciting news for you in the next weeks.
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