Never Issue Refunds Again With Credits

By LeagueApps
July 12, 2016
3 min
Sometimes it just doesn’t feel right to issue a refund. Sometimes a credit makes a whole lot of sense in regards to an inquiry. We’re happy to announce that credits can now be issued as an alternative to refunds. A member can use the credit to apply towards new registrations.
Applying a credit instead of issuing a refund can come in handy for a multitude of reasons. Each situation is unique.
Setting Up Credit Use for Registrations
Go to the registration options of the program in which you wish to apply credits as a payment. Under the “This League Pay-Based” option, select “Allow Credit.” See figure below.
How to Add Credit to a User’s Account
Go to the “Manage” tab and select “Members.” This should enable a list to search users’ names. Select the user’s name in which the credit will be applied. Click on the user’s name. The member details will be displayed on the right and the credit section will be near the bottom of the details.
Edit the credit amount by selecting the dollar amount. This will bring you to the member’s credit page. Here you can change the amount, add a description, or set an expiration date for the credit.
How to Manage All of Your Credits
You can view and edit all of your existing credits under the “Manage” tab. Then select “Credits.”
What do credits look like for users?
Credits will be applied when a program is set to accept credits and a user has credits in the system. If both of these are in place, then a credit option during registration will appear in place of the discount code section. The user will have the option to select “Yes, use my credit.”
*Note: A discount code can not be used along with credit. A user can only use one or the other.
The paid invoice will show that a credit was used.
A paid invoice will now prompt you to issue a credit.
You can also issue a credit directly after deleting a player from a program.
If you have any questions or ways that we can help you get ready for your next season, please contact us at
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