LeagueApps Introduces Facebook Registration and Login
By LeagueApps
December 27, 2011
3 min
LeagueApps is proud to announce the completion of the next phase of our Facebook integration project by using the Facebook Developers platform to launch Facebook Connect and Registration Login. The overarching theme of our Facebook projects is to help league partners increase member engagement and create a better experience for the organization, teams, and the players themselves. The Facebook Registration plugin does that by allowing league members to signup and login to their LeagueApps account using their Facebook credentials. Thus, members can utilize their Facebook identity on the LeagueApps site and get more social with their teammates and fellow participants.
We are currently looking for initial launch partners for our new Facebook app. Please contact us to learn more and get your LeagueApps account hooked up with Facebook.
Below are some key benefits for integrating Facebook with your LeagueApps account:
Account Convenience
The Facebook registration plugin allows your members to connect their LeagueApps site accounts with Facebook- provided that they have Facebook accounts (hopefully they are among the 800+ million who do!). Anytime new members register for your LeagueApps site, they can signup and login using Facebook. The same holds true for any returning members- Facebook registration will let them bypass the login process with one simple click of the ‘Login with Facebook’ button. This saves them the hassle of having to remember their LeagueApps login credentials. It also simplifies the registration process for all new members leading to more successful completed registrations.
Get Social
Connecting LeagueApps accounts with Facebook can help your members initiate social connections that can go beyond the playing fields. Players can view their teammates’ Facebook profiles who connect their account. They can then ‘friend’ all of their teammates on Facebook and tighten their rec sports relationships.
Additionally, players using Facebook registration can opt to use their Facebook profile photos for their LeagueApps member profile. Photos are especially handy on free agent teams where players don’t yet know one another, allowing player to match names with their teammates’ faces.
Member Retention
One of our main goals is to ultimately improve our league partners’ member retention rate each and every season. From an organizer’s standpoint, more social interaction and camaraderie between players leads to better member retention. Facebook can help by encouraging members to be social and engaged. Not to mention that your website’s social features are as good a selling point as any for your organization. Specifically, Facebook is yet another way to get your players excited about where your organization is going and ensure that they’ll be back next season.
More To Come…
We’ll continue to develop more Facebook features for LeagueApps. Many of these features will leverage your members who connect their account to their Facebook profile. These features include feed publishing, more Facebook Apps and more photo and video modules.
If you are interested in participating in our launch program or have questions about this Facebook project, please reach out to Brian at at brian@sportsvite.com.