Product Release: New HTML Editor, Pay with PayPal, and Performance Updates

By LeagueApps
April 5, 2015
3 min
LeagueApps just rolled out a new release. This release includes performance improvements in the admin console, greater program manager security, pay with PayPal options, a more user friendly sign up and registration process for family accounts, and a new HTML content editor.
New HTML Editor
We’ve upgraded to a new and improved HTML Content Editor to make it much easier to create content pages on your website. The editor has a slightly different, more modern look. It has all of the features of our old editor plus some noteworthy additions. You can now support HTML 5 elements on your content pages, which allows you to embed social media widgets such as Twitter or Instagram feeds on your site.
This new editor supports more of “what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)” functionality. As you type out your content you will be able to instantly preview it and see how it will look when it is published.
Composing email and text messages has also received this same upgrade. This new editor is also more reliable when used from a mobile device – so you are able to send messages when you are away from your desk or on the field.
The new editor will be turned off by default for existing accounts. You will have to choose to turn it on. When you do so you’ll have a chance to preview how your custom content will look and work with the new tool.
Please note that if you have advanced markup such as JavaScript or CSS in your custom content pages you will want check all of your pages in preview mode before upgrading to make sure they look and function as expected. If you notice a difference in your pages or are unsure of how to do this please contact our support team at before upgrading and we will walk you through it. OR, feel free to schedule a Coaching Session with our team in advance.
The advanced tab for custom content has gotten a makeover. This tab is where you can type more advanced code such as HTML, CSS or use 3rd party widgets. These fields are color coded to make writing and reading this content more user friendly.
Pay With PayPal
If you are using PayPal WPP as your payment gateway, you can now enable an option that will let your participants pay for their registration fees using PayPal. Paying via your PayPal account makes signing up for a sports program much more efficient. Participants can enter their PayPal credentials instead of filling out a larger form with their credit card and billing details – this is especially useful for members that are on the go and signing up from a mobile device.
Admin Console Performance and Speed
We’ve optimized the performance of the programs listings pages in the admin console to be more efficient. The page speeds have been greatly improved, which will be especially noticeable if your organization runs several programs at the same time.
Program Manager/Coordinator Updates
In our last release we made updates to our security roles that limited program managers and coordinators access to site wide data. In this release we’ve added another layer of security, which will prevent program managers/coordinators from sending emails to programs that they are not specifically assigned to. Additionally, program managers/coordinators will have the ability to view past programs in the system, but only program that they are specifically assigned to.
Sign-up and Registration Flow
The sign up process has been optimized for families and group accounts. We’ve made it clearer on the account-creation page if the information requested is for the parent account or the child account. The registration page has been modified to make sure that you are selecting the right person from your account during program registration (parent or child).
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