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Top Five Tips To Improve Your Social Media Presence

By LeagueApps
October 4, 2018
3 min

With over a billion users on Facebook, 800 million on Instagram, and 400 million on Snapchat, there’s a good chance your athletes (and their parents) are on social media. Not only that, but plenty of potential athletes are out there too, waiting for a captivating post from your organization to speak to them so that they too can sign up.

The question is, are you doing enough to attract those potential athletes? Better yet, are you reaching the RIGHT  audience with your social media efforts?

If you aren’t, or you’re trying to figure out how to improve your social presence, consider these five tips.

Choose The Social Networks Your Athletes Use 

It makes no sense for your league to spend money on Twitter when most of your potential athletes are on Facebook. Working on high-quality content when your buyers are elsewhere is just a waste of time. Take time and effort to research what social media sites your athletes hang out on, and tailor your content to that particular social media network. If your athletes are looking for more artistic, youthful content, Instagram might be your best bet. If quick hit videos and a sharp tongue are what your athletes appreciate, then Twitter might be your best bet. If you’re promoting an old men’s league… well, those guys are all on Facebook waiting for you.

Be Human 

Growing your social presence is all about making people feel connected to your brand. Take time to feature the people who make your league run, from the administrators, to the coaches, to the fans. Don’t be afraid to show your humorous side when interacting with people online with goofy videos or sharp-tongued copy. Social media isn’t just about #content, but building long-lasting relationships with people.

Make Your Athletes Get The “Picture”

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and nowhere is that more true than on social media. The stats don’t lie- Facebook Live videos get six times the engagement compared to other forms of content, while Twitter users who share graphs or videos are constantly retweeted more than other users. These visuals don’t have to be Oscar-worthy either. It’s as simple as putting up a picture of a winning team after a championship game, or a behind-the-scenes photo featuring tailgating and sights and sounds from a major tournament.

Stay Active On Social 

This may seem like a simple task, but for many brands and leagues, it’s not. Too often, leagues let their content grow stale, or neglect it completely, causing them to miss out on valuable engagement. It can be hard to constantly maintain a social presence, but by performing tasks like incorporating social scheduling and automation, and repurposing content you already have, you can ensure your content stays fresh, and your league stays top of mind to potential players. Even in the middle of a busy season, it’s as easy as retweeting some of your players in anticipation of game days, or big matchups.

Don’t Be A Self-Promoter

This is a weird tip, right? Studies have shown that only 10% of your content should be self-promotional. If you followed a league that just blasted out promotions all the time, would you really take that league to be a quality one? Probably not. The 10% rule ensures your league is building trust by providing informational content to athletes, parents, and other potential supporters of your league without spamming them with deals.

Finally, it’s always nice to promote your league’s charitable endeavors, as well as athletes and coaches who have gone on to be successful in the professional world, or other human elements that viewers of your social content can relate to.