The 4 Things You May Have Missed This Week
By LeagueApps
July 22, 2016
3 min
July is a busy sports month. Between all star games, lacrosse registration, basketball camps, and after-game events in your rec leagues, it’s hard sometimes to keep up with the news. We got you covered right here.
LeagueApps Practices What We Preach
We’re always looking to build the best product for the sports organizer. To do that, we have to play sports! That’s also a convenient excuse for us to continue playing the games we love so much. LeagueApps has been quite busy on the field and in the gym over the last week.
The LeagueApps basketball team earned yet another playoff victory in the NYC Corporate League. Senior Sales Specialist Michael Bindelglass started the game hot from the arc.
Senior Sales Specialist Michael Bindelglass Was On Fire
But in the end, it was Sales Development Specialist Jeremy Smith who wouldn’t let LeagueApps lose. He went on a tear to get the win.
On the other side of the Hudson River, Partner Development Specialist Greg Cuccinello and his lacrosse team, The Tim Flynn’s, have been cruising in their playoff games of the Hoboken Lacrosse League. In their quarterfinal match on Thursday night, The Tim Flynn’s, named after their great lacrosse coach Tim Flynn, coasted to a 10-3 victory.
And on the diamond, the softball team continues to pile up games during the regular season to make the playoff push in the Metro Sports NYC Softball league.
Sales Consultant Jenna Wechsler, Office Manager Cassie Rocha, and Launch Team Manager Stephanie Vera on the diamond.
3 Tips on How To Improve Your Sports Organization Through Social Media
Were you able to utilize our tips on how to use social media to grow your sports organization? In our article earlier this week, we gave some useful tips on how to properly market your sports organization through social media. Now, you know where to put all those fun photos and videos you took at last week’s tournament or last month’s camp.
Be sure to check out our Facebook plug-in as well, making registration easier and more marketable.
The Easiest Way to Grow Your Club Lacrosse Team
Lacrosse has grown over 204% since 2001 and is projected to have 1.3 million youth players by 2018. Over two-thirds of youth players are on club teams. There’s no slowing these trends down.
Admin Console Redesign Is Almost Here
Our development team has been working hard on the admin console redesign project. This upgrade will be amazing for sports organizers. Upon completion, the admin console will be mobile responsive, giving organizers much more freedom to make changes on the fly rather than planned ahead on a desktop. This is a huge upgrade that will be incredibly helpful for sports organizers instantly.
Read more about the admin console redesign and how it can help you.