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Passion Is On Full Display With the Sports Organizers At Hesperia National Little League

By LeagueApps
August 5, 2016
3 min

August 2016 Partner SportsDog Award: Hesperia National Little League

SportsDog Value: Passion

Awards Winners: Hesperia National Little League Board Members

Recently, LeagueApps announced our new initiative focused on highlighting partners that represent our SportsDog values. This week, we’re happy to announce our first highlighted partner.

Hesperia National Little League, based out of Hesperia, California, about 80 miles outside of Los Angeles, is a youth baseball organization consisting of 30 teams and nearly 500 players. Two of their all star teams, the 10-and-under and the 12-and-under teams, won their divisions in the California District 49 Little League tournament.

Hesperia National Little League was founded in the mid 1960s. By 1969, a Hesperia Little League team rose through the ranks and won the Big League Baseball World Series. Chris Sevy, Public Relations Officer for the Hesperia National Little League board, was eager to share that stat. He set aside some time to speak with us about Hesperia National Little League, including some of the dedicated volunteer organizers he works with.

“These are some of the most amazing people I’ve had the pleasure of working with,” he said. “Our President [Bill Bitonti] and VP [Fernando Rodriguez] go above and beyond as volunteers.”

It was clear after a few minutes speaking with Chris that Hesperia National Little League truly represents our Passion value.

Hesperia National Little League joined LeagueApps in October of 2015. The partnership has had a successful first year as Hesperia National Little League has been able to simplify the registration process utilizing LeagueApps technology. They have also enjoyed working with the LeagueApps team, and specifically, Launch Team Manager Stephanie Vera.

“Stephanie has been terrific!” Chris and the board are excited for the future of their sports organization with LeagueApps. Especially with such dedicated members on the board.

The Hesperia National Little League board consists of volunteers from the community. Aside from Bill and Fernando, Chris was quick to point out four other volunteers that pledge countless hours to make sure the youth baseball and softball players of Hesperia have the chance to play in a functioning league.

Major Baseball Director Kevin Chaffin, Equipment Director Bill Sandaval, and Uniform Director Cheryl Bolster are just three of the dedicated volunteers on the board. It’s through their countless hours of volunteer work that the young athletes of Hesperia have a little league in which to play.

Kevin even showed up at a game earlier this year with a 2006 All Star shirt. “That just shows you how long he’s been around to volunteer his time. Bill [Sandaval] has been around for 18 years. Cheryl has been around the same time as Bill. The amount of time they donate to the league is just unsurpassed. Hundreds of hours a year they donate.”

“Amber Melendez, who is our Player Agent, is ultimately our unsung hero.” Amber has had the duty of maintaining information and paperwork on each player participating in Hesperia National Little League. “The more we’ve had LeagueApps,” Chris said, “the less time she is spending on paperwork.”

“Kevin, Cheryl, Bill, and Amber each have over a decade of experience. They all came in similar situation as me and stayed in the program as a volunteer.”

Chris joined the organization four years ago. At the time, his oldest child was turning four years old and was looking for an activity. Baseball was the “thought provoking and safe” choice for Chris. His fellow baseball organizers Kevin, Cheryl, Bill, and Amber started in much the same fashion. Even though their kids have had kids, they continue to volunteer in the league. That’s passion.

Despite all his volunteer work in the community, Chris admitted that he did have self-centered reasons to be proud of Hesperia National. As a baseball coach and organizer, he gets to spend more time with his family, “as selfish as that is.”

Sports organizers like Chris are using the LeagueApps technology to spend more time promoting youth athletics. People like Chris, Bill, Fernando, Kevin, Cheryl, Bill, and Amber are the unsung heroes that are shaping the lives of young baseball players every day. We’re excited to hear more from our Passionate partner Hesperia National Little League in the future.

Make a donation to Hesperia National Little League by contacting Bill Bitonti or email him at