
Industry Insights

The One Website That Will Connect Your Travel Team Across The Country

By LeagueApps
March 15, 2017
2 min
Credit: The Hub Facebook cover

Credit: The Hub Facebook cover

Looking for that one-stop shop to connect and market your travel team to events, tournaments, or other travel teams across the country?

Well, we think we have the website just for you. It’s called The Hub and it contains everything from listing events and tournaments to power rankings of teams. There are even some resources for coaching and player development.

The Hub was created by LeagueApps partner Casey Copeland, who is also the President and Founder of California-based All Out Sports League. He also oversees operations for the Blaze Travel Ball team.

“The goal is to be the most dependable source of youth basketball information,” he said. “We want to make it as easy as possible for teams to give and receive information, from listing tournaments to signing up for events.”

The website is ideal for AAU and travel teams. Aside from tournament and event listings, there’s a place for you to find facilities or court rentals in your area, hire local trainers, and even find officials. If you’re one of those people just mentioned, then you can easily get discovered via The Hub by signing up for free and marketing your services.

“I remember how hard it was to find these services, like trainers and officials. Hopefully The Hub can help out basketball coaches and directors by saving them time to focus on other needs,” Casey said.

Click here to sign up for a free account with The Hub and start connecting your travel team.