The NextUp Play Forever Tour

By Melissa Wickes
October 29, 2021
3 min
Two weeks ago, we launched the NextUp Play Forever Tour, a two-week road trip through the Northeast with stops in Boston, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland.
We’ve seen partners, given away swag, met up for pro games and other social events—and we’ve eaten our way through every, last city.
It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to see our people in person and, to boot, at their facilities, on their fields, and on their courts.
We’ve seen how you run your operations, the kids out there actually playing, having fun, and competing, and how you use LeagueApps to run your back office more effectively.
Following are some highlights from the last three legs of the Tour.
If you’d like to see the first three legs, catch the recap here.
The NextUp Play Forever Tour: Leg 4 Philly
We started the second half of the NextUp Play Forever Tour in Philadelphia.
But before we went anywhere, we had to get our local food fill…at none other than Reading Terminal Market.
And we couldn’t really be in Philly and not stop to race up the Rocky Steps. Our team warmed up—and then they took off. Check out our Instagram page to see who won!
But the Tour wasn’t just about tourist activities. Jeremy Goldberg got to hang out with the kids from Philly Youth Basketball. He asked them if they thought he could dunk…and the resounding answer was, “NO!”
The NextUp Play Forever Tour: Leg 5 Maryland
As we drove the Tour van from Philly to Washington, D.C., we stopped to see our friends at Ripken Baseball.
The NextUp Play Forever Tour: Leg 6 Washington, D.C.
In D.C., we got to catch up with WINNERS Lacrosse—and Benita Fitzgerald Mosley was able to give them the news in person that they won a FundPlay grant.
We stopped to see a partner and one of our investors—and Jeremy tried to block both of them in a football match (you can imagine how that turned out—as well as his asking the kids if he can dunk).
And then, to end the Tour, we took some partners and our team to a DC United game for a beautiful night of soccer.
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