Mobile Friendly now means Marketing Friendly for LeagueApps Partners
By LeagueApps
May 12, 2015
2 min
As an athlete, coach, and parent – I am always on the go and rely on my smart phone to keep me connected with my work, my team and my family. We live in a modern and mobile world – and in 2015 over one third of all web pages will be viewed from a mobile device.
Recently, Google made a major change to it’s search algorithm known as page rank. Sites that are mobile optimized will receive a higher page rank and show up more prominently in search results. At LeagueApps we pride ourselves in being on the cutting edge of technology. We’ve offered a mobile optimized website for a while now. We rolled out mobile registration first, followed shortly by mobile team pages.
When you host your sports organization with LeagueApps, not only do you get our all star registration and program management features, but you are able to build your own website that works on mobile phone and reap the rewards of Google’s latest update. Even if you have your own website and use LeagueApps primarily for registration, the registration flow is 100% mobile friendly.
Here’s an example of a LeagueApps website, in both the desktop and mobile views.
Search Results
Search results in Google now display if the site will look good on your phone. Notice all the results for our sites are tagged as Mobile-Friendly!
Need an Assist
Our mobile tools are available in your admin console and are completely self serve. If you would like a hand setting things up or have any questions feel free to reach out to our support team at or schedule a coaching session with us. We’d be happy to give you a hand.