It ‘Takes The Village’ For McAllister Park Little League To Reach The Little League World Series

By LeagueApps
August 19, 2016
2 min
We’re excited at LeagueApps for the young kids and the opportunity they each have. We’re also pumped for all the hardworking volunteers that put in time and effort every day with McAllister Park.
Jon “J.P.” Guerra is an assistant coach, volunteer, and dad of McAllister Park. “It really takes the village of everyone here for the whole organization to function,” he said. “From recruiting to funding, even mowing the grass!”
Like most of the board members at McAllister Park, J.P. started as a dad that just wanted to help out the team. It turned into him volunteering his time to allow the whole program to flourish. We sense a lot of that going on at LeagueApps.
Their push to the Little League World Series has attracted a lot of interest from the San Antonio community. Even former players from their previous LLWS teams are helping every way they can.
“It’s been great to see. A bunch of kids from the ’09 and ’12 teams have come back to help out. Some are pitching to the hitters, others are giving fielding instructions,” J.P. said.
It’s not just former players helping the All Stars reach the World Series. Their advance is also in due part to the hard work of their coaches. Volunteers on the board are quick to “mow the grass” and turn off the lights at night. Parents and guardians are instrumental to the kids’ growth. And it takes the technology to streamline an entire league.
J.P. and McAllister Park have found tremendous aid in our schedule generating features as well as the website publishing tools. “I know it’s personally saved me a lot of time.”
Thank you to J.P and all the hard working volunteers from McAllister Park. A few of us from the LeagueApps team will be in attendance. We’ll be cheering hard for our partners this weekend!
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