
Front Office


How LeagueApps Can Help You Get Through COVID-19

By Jamie Hancock
March 17, 2020
2 min

While we didn’t design the LeagueApps platform with a crisis like the Coronavirus in mind, we’re proud of the fact that our technology can make life easier for organizers during this chaotic and uncertain time—especially when it comes to handling parents’ requests for refunds and sending critical communications.

Here are some of the product features that we wanted to make sure you kept top of mind as you navigate this new reality:


Issuing Credits and Refunds

  • At a time like this, it can be overwhelming to keep up with customer requests. But with our easy-to-use refund tool, we’ve simplified the process of giving customers their money back. We’ve also developed a credit system which they can use as payment towards a future program with your organization. Learn more about credits or how to issue a refund
  • As a reminder, customers can also dispute payments with their bank or credit card company. It is best to avoid a dispute and issue a refund if the customer is requesting one—but in the event that you find yourself in this situation, here are some helpful guidelines.



  • We know how important it is for you to be able to communicate with your parents. Use our Compose a Message tool to send an email to all of your players, or target specific groups by program, location, sport, and more.
  • View the list of automated messages that are sent from LeagueApps. At a time like this, the most important automated messages may be event/game changes and cancellation notifications that can be automatically sent to all participants. This can help cut down on the amount of emails you have to send. 




We also hosted a virtual training session on March 18th to dive into more detail around our platform and how you can be using it right now. Watch the recording below.



Check out our COVID-19 Resource Guide for more articles highlighting ways you can use LeagueApps to make any changes you need to your programming. In addition, we invite you to please read and contribute to this crowdsourced collection of resources, communications, news, and templates that we’ve compiled to support youth sports leaders and parents. 


In times like these, we couldn’t believe more strongly in the power of sport to bring people together—and we are committed to doing just that at LeagueApps. Our team is readily available ( to answer any questions you may have. 


Sports will return and our community will come out of this stronger than ever before!