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5 Best Practices to Create a Youth Sports Website That Converts

By Melissa Wickes
May 26, 2022
2 min

Your free time is limited and when you do have it, you want to spend it on the field connecting with players, coaches, and parents—not behind your desk hunting down new customers. A really great youth sports website not only represents your brand, but it can also get you to a place where your business is growing at a significantly faster rate than ever before, without the need to sacrifice any more of your precious free time.

With a well-designed, optimized youth sports website, potential customers will be able to learn about your programs and convert from website visitors to paying customers in a few clicks.

If you don’t know where to begin or if you need to make a few tweaks to your existing one, we have the resources you need. 

Best Practices for Building a Youth Sports Website

5 Best Practices to Create a Youth Sports Website That Converts is a comprehensive guide that tells you everything a youth sports professional needs to know about websites—from identifying your audience and goals to making sure Google places you on the first page of every desired search result. 

Here’s a little bit about what you’ll read in our free guide to youth sports websites:

Identifying Your Audience and Crafting Your Goals

Having a solid understanding of your audience and goals will determine everything that goes into your website—content, design, mobile, SEO strategy, and layout. 

The chapter in the guide helps you answer the crucial questions you should ask yourself to determine who your ideal audience is and what the goal of your new (or revamped) website is. 

Designing Your Website

This chapter in the guide discusses all things design and layout. The seamlessness of your website can mean the difference between a visitor return or not, and having a clean and functional layout and design makes the user experience simpler and more informative.

The Content Your Website Must Have

The more questions you answer with your web content, the fewer phone calls you need to field. Quality content answers the questions your potential customers (and current customers) have about your programs, prices, products, and more. 

Optimization and Advanced Tricks

Optimization isn’t as complicated as it sounds. It’s simply making the website experience simpler and more accessible to all kinds of customers—and making Google love you in the process. 

A well-optimized website increases traffic, allows you to sustain long-term growth, and convert more leads into paying customers.  

Luckily, there are plenty of tools today that will help you with these processes, and this chapter in the guide gives you the cheat sheet to them.

What Your Website Needs to Grow Your Organization

Beyond a professionally designed website, your organization should be using a number of other tools to grow your business—seamless registration, innovative communication, ecommerce, and flexible payments. We close out the guide with a chapter discussing how to use these important tools. 

Learn From the Best

In this guide, you’ll learn best website practices from St. Louis Lacrosse, Tiny Troops Soccer, HHH Girls Club, and more.

Things like how to incorporate social proof in your website from Rawlings Tigers, what a quality super footer looks like from Gameday Lacrosse, and how to create an optimized landing page from North Texas.

So what do you say? Are you ready to turn your website into a tool that grows your business while you spend time doing what you really love? 

Download 5 Best Practices to Create a Youth Sports Website That Converts for free and revamp your youth sports website in five easy-to-follow steps.