Four Easy Rules For Running a Successful Tournament or Event

By LeagueApps
November 14, 2016
3 min
How difficult is it to run a successful tournament? What is the most important thing about choosing a venue for your next event?
Running a great tournament or event ensures that your participants will return to your sports programs. They are also more likely to refer your program to others and help drive registration.
We reached out to our partners from NXT Sports to get some insight in running a great tournament. Based out of Philadelphia, NXT Sports has been delivering some of the best tournaments on the East Coast since 2009. What started as a youth lacrosse club, NXT Sports now offers amazing experiences for youth athletes in the sports of soccer, field hockey, and basketball.
Here are four tips from Ryan Long, Director of Events for NXT Sports, on how to run a successful tournament for your sports programs.
Safety Is The Top Priority
Everything revolves around player safety.
“Our number one goal is to keep players and kids safe at all events,” Ryan said “Honestly, that should be the number one goal of all sports organizations.”
To do this, NXT employs trainers to be on-site at all times, not just for tournaments. During practices, tournaments, and games, there is one trainer for every two playing fields.
One initiative that Ryan and NXT is proud of is its safety initiative. Through a combination of full-time trainers, quality training of coaches and staff, as well as a partnership with the Datalys Center, NXT is at the forefront of youth sports injury research.
“Everyone on our medical staff keeps a binder at all times. We keep track of all injuries at all times, whether that be at practices, touraments, or other events. We then forward that information to the Datalys Center for proper research,” Ryan said.
To learn more secrets in how leading experts in the sports industry like Ryan are successfully growing their sports programs, download this FREE eBook today!
Location, Location, Location
“It’s one thing to have a great venue, but if it’s in the middle of nowhere, then no one will want to come back next year,” Ryan said.
One of Ryan’s main tips is to always remember that tournaments and events consist of not just the players and coaches, but of the families and friends of all participants. With that in mind, be sure to choose a venue that will offer off-the-field activities as well.
“It’s not just about the on-the-field experience. Make sure there are plenty of activities and things to do. When families come to Philadelphia, we make sure that we inform everyone of all the great things to do in this city, like visiting the Liberty Bell for instance. When we host beach events, we want to know where the go-karts and mini-golf venues are so that we can tell parents that in advance,” Ryan said.
Stay Organized
Parents want stability when they visit these events. Everything from having the correct schedule, to communication, to being able to register participants should as as smooth as possible.
“It’s so easy to be able to organize effectively with LeagueApps. Parents want organization. If you think about it, they’re on vacation when they visit our events. The fact that we’re able to easily organize everything gives them the opportunity to enjoy a no-hassle vacation,” Ryan said.
He continued. “There’s a lot of companies that will kind of start up and flounder because they’re not organized. Get organized with LeagueApps.”
Stay True To What You Do Best
One common theme shared by several of our partners, such as Lee Miller of Elite Hoops or Carlos Villicana of Team Esface, is to stay true to yourself and your mission.
Ryan shares a similar thought. “Stay true to what you do best. Learn the things you do well and build off of that.”
After you stick to what you know best, then you can make the step to a multi-sport event. When you do, Ryan gives this tip as well.
“Just stick to what you do and what you do best. Use that blue print for the other sports and make the minor adjustments that are necessary. Stay true to what you do best.”
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